A downloadable game

Apology/ Warning about quality

Unfortunately due to time constraints and two separate instances of our code corrupting our game was forced to be vastly simpler with the work of many people not being included in the final products, the two high res images on the itch page are renders in blender to simulate the feeling of the original game we were making before we had to make drastic cut backs. 

A top down hack and slash game where the player has to fend off mutant enemies from their home cabin. Set in a post apocalyptical world where our generation left the world for the worst after a nuclear war scorched the earth, leading to the extinction of most human life. The player must survive against the horrors that came after the blast.

For the Game Jam

Our brief for this Game Jam was "Next Gen" leaving a lot of interpretation and freedom for us, we ended up answering the brief in two ways at once. First the story is about the new humanity after a post apocalyptic calamity, coming to an age of magic akin to the dark ages, making a cyclical view of time, history repeating itself. Secondly, we took a heavy amount of inspiration from horror games like David Syzmanski's Squirrel Stapler and Iron Lung, that use old visuals to create a fresh look for horror with the limitations of the style working into the horror, the viral spread of this art style has created a new generation of horror content in things like analogue and VHS horror


Kaster.exe 82 MB

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